A Cyberspace Journey

KARBYTES FOR LIFE BLOG dot WordPress dot Com

image_link: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/karlinarayberinger/KARBYTES_FOR_LIFE_BLOG/main/karlina_object_square_virus_logo.png

This website is an archive of karbytes’s social media posts and miscellaneous Internet based files. Each page of this website and each page of karbyte’s main website (i.e. KARLINA OBJECT dot WordPress dot Com) was saved to Archive dot Org using the WayBack machine.

image_link: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/karlinarayberinger/KARBYTES_FOR_LIFE_BLOG/main/yellow_galaxy_drawing_icon_2020.png


PAGE_10: karbytes_primary_values <- (section updated on 03_APRIL_2024 at 8:25PM Pacific Standard Time)

PAGE_9: BEST_PRACTICES_FOR_USING_THE_WEB <- (section updated on 11_NOVEMBER_2023 at 11:11PM Pacific Standard Time)

PAGE_8: ABOUT_KARBYTES <- (section updated on 01_NOVEMBER_2023 at 9:19PM Pacific Standard Time)

PAGE_7: KARBYTES_CODE_CONTINUES <- (section updated on 15_MAY_2024 at 1:21AM Pacific Standard Time)

PAGE_6: RAW_GITHUB_FILES_MACRO_DIRECTORY <- (section updated on 16_MAY_2024 at 7:33PM Pacific Standard Time)

PAGE_5: karbytes_physical_inventory_for_30march2024 <- (section updated on 14_APRIL_2024 at 10:33AM Pacific Standard Time)

PAGE_4: SOUND_TRACK_LOOP_COUNTER_VIDEO_FILES <- (section updated on 20_OCTOBER_2023 at 11:22PM Pacific Standard Time)

PAGE_3: karbytes_23AndMe_Ancestry_Data <- (section updated on 24_JULY_2023 2:01AM at Pacific Standard Time)

PAGE_2: KARBYTES_JOURNAL_2023_POST_BIRTHDAY <- (section updated on 10_JULY_2023 at 9:33PM Pacific Standard Time)

PAGE_1: MINDS_KARBYTES_2020_SCREENSHOTS <- (section updated on 27_JUNE_2023 at 3:08PM Pacific Standard Time)



Name: karbytes (self-assigned identifier), Karlina Ray Beringer (legal identifier)

Species: HUMAN (starting 13_JANUARY_1990), CYBORG (starting 19_MARCH_2024)

Birth_Date: 13_JANUARY_1990

Birth_Location: San Francisco Bay Area, California, United States of America, Planet Earth

Profession: Software Developer, Consciousness Researcher


Email_0: karlinaberinger99@gmail.com

Email_1: karbytesforlife@protonmail.com

Email_2: karlina.ray.beringer@protonmail.com

Email_3: starduststructures@protonmail.com

KARLINA_OBJECT: https://karlinaobject.wordpress.com/

Archive: https://archive.org/details/@karbonbytes/

GitHub: https://github.com/karlinarayberinger/

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/kar-beringer-0a6684187/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/karlina.beringer.397/

Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/karbytes

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/karbytes_anew/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/karbytes

Minds: https://www.minds.com/karbytes/


Visitors to this website are invited to contribute a variable amount of money to the author of this website using the following PayPal donation portal link:


(The suggested amount of money to donate is $10).


Each web page within this website has been saved by the author of this website to the WayBack Machine at Archive dot Org.

This web page was last updated on 16_MAY_2024. The content displayed on this web page is licensed as PUBLIC_DOMAIN intellectual property.

This website was established on 05_AUGUST_2022.